
It seems that Navy just can’t catch a break at the moment. The last few months have exposed a number of damaging issues that have come to light, through the release of various reports and some pointed questions in Senate Estimates.

In June of 2009, then defence minister Senator John Faulkner looked into the Force Protection measures that the ADF was operating with in Afghanistan.

In all the debate about the proposed taxpayer levy plus cuts to government programs to raise $5.6 billion in funds for disaster recovery, your correspondent has been astonished that there wasn’t one demand for defence to wear some of the pain.

The RAAF celebrates its 90th anniversary this year, commemorating the people and planes that have shaped the modern organisation that provides the Australian Defence Force with its air capabilities in all their forms.

On December 16, 1980, the government of Malcolm Fraser made a decision crucial to the shape of the current RAAF and that was to acquire the Pave Tack laser target designation system for the F-111 strike bombers.

As ADM was going to press, the 2009-2010 Major Projects Report was released.

Perhaps by the time this column appears, the great parliamentary debate on Afghanistan will have started and perhaps concluded.

Success can be defined as “an event(s) that accomplishes its intended purpose”.

ADM would like to welcome the new government into office.

With our feature on sustainment this month, I thought of my bathtub; a bathtub curve to be exact. The bathtub curve is widely used in reliability engineering.

John Faulkner was a champion of accountability and openness in government but one who maintained what appeared to be a marked disdain for journalists.

We hear a lot about a ‘whole of government approach’ but what does this actually mean?

With an election looming yet again, it’s perhaps time to review the state of the organisation that sees itself as the third force of national politics, the Greens.

In 2000, the world had yet to see the September 11 attacks or the Bali and London bombings.

As part of the ADM role of acting as a communications bridge between Defence and Defence Industry, you can see a new section in the magazine from this edition onwards.

Through much of last year a parliamentary inquiry proceeded into an issue that could have exerted a profound influence on how Australia wages war.