ADM Group Editor Nigel Pittaway speaks with the Minister of Defence Industry and Capability Delivery Pat Conroy about the current health of our defence industry and his plans for the future. Read more
Best known in recent times for his management of the Hunter Class Frigate Program as Managing Director of the company’s Maritime segment, Craig Lockhart has recently been promoted to Chief Executive Officer of BAE Systems Australia.
Silentium Defence is one example of an Australian SME developing cutting edge technology and the company is partnered with Lockheed Martin to deliver a Joint Air Battle Management System under Air 6500. To learn more, Editor Nigel Pittaway spoke with co-founder and CEO Dr James Palmer.
ADM Publisher Ewen Levick recently spoke with Boeing Defence Australia's Managing Director Amy List.
ADM Publisher Ewen Levick spoke with KBR’s Vice President for Government Solutions in the Asia-Pacific region Nic Maan recently about his company’s plans in Australia.
Well known for their Remote Weapon Systems (RWS), Satellite Communications, Space Control, and Directed Energy capabilities, EOS is expanding its footprint around the world. To learn more of the company’s plans, ADM Senior Correspondent Julian Kerr spoke with CEO and Managing Director Andreas Schwer.
Babcock Australasia is active across the Land, Sea and Air domains and the company sees significant opportunities to expand its local footprint. To find out more, ADM Publisher Ewen Levick spoke with the company’s CEO Andrew Cridland.
ADM Editor Nigel Pittaway spoke with Hanwha Defense Australia’s Managing Director Richard Cho to learn more about the company's recent success and their innovative ideas for engagement with local industry.
While the RAN awaits the outcome of the surface combatant fleet review, the Chief of Navy Vice Admiral Mark Hammond discusses the status, the strengths and the issues involving the force-in-being with ADM Senior Correspondent Julian Kerr.
With a long career in Defence and industry, Chris Deeble has earned a reputation as a problem solver. He recently spoke with ADM Senior Correspondent Julian Kerr about the challenges in reforming CASG.
As major projects such as Land 19/7B and Sea 1300/1 gather momentum, Kongsberg Defence Australia is set on a growth path. To learn more, ADM Editor Nigel Pittaway recently spoke with General Manager John Fry.
In the wake of the Defence Strategic Review, ADM Editor Nigel Pittaway spoke with BDA’s Vice President & Managing Director Scott Carpendale to learn more of the company’s plans.
Rafael Australia Managing Director Golan Ben Giat sees timely opportunities for his company to assist Defence in its quest to build its air defence capabilities. To find out more, ADM Editor Nigel Pittaway spoke with him shortly after Avalon Airshow.
As he prepared to hand over the reins in early March, outgoing Head Land Capability Major General Jeremy King took time at the Avalon Airshow to speak with ADM’s Ewen Levick about recent decisions regarding Army capability.
In the lead up to the Avalon 2023 airshow Nova Systems’ CEO Jim McDowell spoke with ADM Editor Nigel Pittaway about his company’s role in the defence ecosystem and how he sees the industrial landscape in Australia evolving.
Assistant Minister for Defence Matt Thistlethwaite speaks with ADM about upcoming reforms to the Defence Act, the imminent release of the DSR, and the government's defence priorities.
As the service begins its second century of operations, Chief of Air Force Air Marshal Robert Chipman recently answered ADM Editor Nigel Pittaway’s questions about the future.