
Babcock has been awarded a $30 million lift and hoists contract for the Royal Australian Navy’s first three Hunter class frigates.

Global firms are partnering with Australian based entities in a bid to position themselves for lucrative AUKUS submarine contracts, despite lagging law reforms needed to progress | Kate Banville

The new agreement paves the way for AUKUS Pillar One but will have a series of impacts on Australia and Australian industry | Ben Felton

The US Marine Corps will charter a 73 metre long Sea Transport Group-designed Stern Landing Vessel (SLV) from Sea Transport Group's sister company, Sealease, for a period of three years.

HMAS Sydney has successful fired a Standard Missile 6 off Hawaii inside the US Pacific Missile Range as part of Exercise Pacific Dragon - a multilateral ballistic missile defence exercise led by the US Navy.

HMAS Sydney fired a Naval Strike Missile for the first time on 18 July as part of Exercise Rim of the Pacific 2024. 

BAE Systems Australia officially started as the Capability Life Cycle Manager for the Hobart class Guided Missile Destroyers on 1 July | Ben Felton

The Royal Australian Navy’s new general purpose frigate program – Project Sea 3000 – is something of an oddity as it’s the government, not Defence or the RAN, that’s in the driving seat | Ben Felton

The number of operational SH-2G(I) Seasprite naval helicopters in the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has been reduced from eight to five, it has emerged | Tim Fish

Austal Australia has been awarded a $39 million contract by Defence to build two more Guardian class patrol boats. The new vessels will allow Defence to replace damaged patrol boats and provide a second vessel to Kiribati | Ben Felton

Steel was cut on the first of six Hunter class frigates, the future HMAS Hunter, by the Minister for Defence and Premier of South Australia during a ceremony on 21 June.

Birdon America has acquired Metal Shark Boats 32-acre shipyard in Bayou La Batre, Alabama.

The initial candidate is Jeremy Wojak, who arrived in France in November to begin a six-month internship at Exail’s facility in Brest | Nigel Pittaway

Royal Australian Navy warship HMAS Warramunga has deployed for a three-month deployment through South and Southeast Asia, the first regional presence deployment for 2024.

Exail and Aurizn have signed a strategic technology partnership focused on the potential application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in naval robotics.

The Australian Border Force expects to complete modernisation work on its two Bay class patrol boats in 2024 | Ben Felton