
Defence Minister Steven Smith announced on 17 March that a formal bid to purchase the ex-RN ship Largs Bay has been made.

Austal-built high-speed ferries have recently been engaged to assist in relief efforts in Japan and Libya.


One hull of a launch

The hull of what will be Australia's largest warship - the Canberra Class Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) Ship 1 - was launched last week at Ferrol Dockyard, Spain.

Thales Australia has built on its successful participation in Defence’s establishment of a Maritime Tactical Wide Area Network, with the in-service support contract under Sea 1442 Phase 3 becoming operative.

UK composite materials specialists Tods Defence have secured the order for three Bow Sonar Domes for the RAN’s Hobart-class Air Warfare Destroyers.

As previously suggested in ADM’s Defence Week Premium newsletter, the RAN is considering buying or leasing one of Britain’s Bay-class Landing Ships Dock (LSD), confirmed minister for defence Stephen Smith.

The Government will appoint an independent team of experts to develop a plan to address problems in the repair and management of the amphibious and support ship fleet.

Tourism operator Mary D Enterprises has selected Austal to design and construct a 35-metre high-speed monohull passenger ferry.

Minister for Defence Stephen Smith has outlined a range of problems with the ADF's amphibious capability during a keynote address at the ADM2011 Congress.

Assembly of the Mk32 Mod 9 torpedo launchers for the Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyers is now underway at Babcock's Techport Australia premises.

New Zealand defence minister Wayne Mapp has met his Australian counterpart Stephen Smith in Wellington to discuss defence and security issues.


Austal launches largest catamaran

Austal has launched its largest catamaran to date, the Leonora Christina for Danish company Faergen (formerly Nordic Ferry Services).

Defence has announced that it will develop a comprehensive plan to transition from the existing amphibious support ships to the new Landing Helicopter Dock Ships.

Defence minister Stephen Smith recently responded to questions on the possible lease or purchase of an ex-UK Royal Navy Bay Class landing vessel.

Australian company Austal Ships will build 10 Independence-class Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) for the US Navy (USN) under a contract awarded shortly before Christmas 2010.

Forecast International's 'The Market for Submarines' analysis projects that 111 submarines worth $106.7 billion will be produced from 2011-2020.