C4I + EW


C4I contract for Elbit

Elbit Systems has been awarded an EW and C4I contract for a Latin American customer.

Concerned about the safety of ADF personnel from IED attack and similar threats in counter insurgency operations, Defence is seeking a persistent surveillance capability for its forward operating bases that is able to establish and record ‘patterns of life' from the surveilled area.

Two years after the publication of Defence's 2007-2017 Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Roadmap, a review is underway to assess its utility and determine whether changes are necessary to reflect fast-moving developments in the ISR domain.

‘If you trained a bird and hung sensors from it, it would be perfect, but birds are hard to train,' says Lew Woods, director of Skycam UAV NZ Limited, revealing the company's latest aircraft to ADM.

The Defence Industry RPDE program aims to develop a CTD for a persistent surveillance system to protect ADF forward operating bases in Afghanistan.

Shaking off the disappointment (and cost) of JP129's earlier failure to deliver what in effect was a high risk, if highly capable, developmental system, the ADF is again seeking a Tier 3 Tactical UAV system; this time with proven in-service capabilities.


Raytheon buys Compucat Research

Raytheon Australia has acquired Canberra-based information and communications security specialist Compucat Research for an undisclosed sum.


Thales wins DMO CISSO contract

Thales Australia will provide computer support services under contract to the DMO's Command and Intelligence Systems Support Office.