
Introducing the RAAF’s Growler electronic attack capability into service involves careful juggling on the part of Air Force to ensure the continuing viability of the air combat force.

Model-Based Design continues to grow within the aerospace and defence industries. This article examines the reasons behind that growth and explores future trends in its adoption. Particular focus is given to its use in the development of certified systems and on large multi-organisation programs.

Many, many years ago, then-Premier of Queensland Peter Beattie saw an opportunity to help grow the future of aerospace in Australia, with a focus in Queensland. And he knew the best way to do this was to engage the young people, to excite their minds, and to let them take us where we need to go.

The Royal Australian Air Force’s biennial Pitch Black exercise played out over the Northern Territory in August, involving between 80-100 fast jets and supporting aircraft and 2,200 personnel from six countries.

Australian Army Aviation faces significant challenges over the next few years, as it copes with the introduction of two complex helicopter types, maintains operational deployments on rotation in Afghanistan and Timor Leste and prepares to operate off the new LHDs.

In December this year the RAAF will retire the last of its C-130H Hercules airlifters after 34 years of continuous service, including many deployments to the Middle East and participation in humanitarian relief operations around the globe.

With the US Navy MH-60R ‘Romeo’ acquisition program significantly ahead of schedule, the way ahead is clear for the Royal Australian Navy to accept the first two aircraft early in 2014. Perhaps even more significantly, the 24th, and last, Romeo will be delivered to Australia in mid 2016, over two years ahead of the original Air 9000 Phase 8 schedule.

Defence has signed a multi-million dollar contract to commence operations for the upgrade of the Hawk Lead-In-Fighter, announced Minister for Defence Stephen Smith and Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare.

Australia ’s enhanced Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) completed its first round of testing last month, Minister for Defence Stephen Smith and Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare announced.

The sixth and final Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning & Control aircraft was delivered to the Commonwealth in May and, as work continues towards achieving Initial Operating Capability later this year, a wider focus on what are perhaps non-traditional roles is now under development.

In the wake of Exercise Tamex, the USN also took the opportunity to bring the P-8 over to Canberra for a day trip before heading home.

Defence Minister Stephen Smith’s announcement in May that the Government will delay the purchase of 12 Lockheed Martin Joint Strike Fighters by two years did not come as any great surprise.

Boeing has been awarded a $55 million Electronic Warfare support contract for the Royal Australian Air Force fleet of Wedgetail aircraft.

MoD Stephen Smith announced at the 2012 Air Power Conference that the Government has agreed to purchase 10 Alenia C-27J Spartan Battlefield Airlift aircraft.

Has US Army training of ADF personnel on the Shadow 200 inhibited the development of Australian techniques and procedures for tactical UAV operations?

The painfully-protracted process of selecting the ADF’s next battlefield airlifter appears close to a conclusion, with Alenia Aeronautica’s C-27J Spartan seen as the odds-on favourite to fill the gap left by the retirement in 2009 of the RAAF’s 1960’s-era DHC-4 Caribous. Or is it?