edVirtus 2-Day Effective Writing Course

Join Dr James Hanson and learn how to use 'argument mapping' as a planning technique to write documents that are clear, concise, compelling and convincing.

This technique helps writers to inform and persuade busy readers in complex workplace environments such as governments and corporations. Clear writing requires clear thinking which is not always easy when dealing with technical or complex issues. Argument mapping helps us to clarify our thinking, as we plan our writing, and to zoom in on the essentials of the message we are trying to send.

The course focuses on writing clearly and concisely about complex topics, writing persuasively in the face of contestability and writing strategically when the stakes are high. The course learning outcome is that participants will be able to use argument mapping to plan and write documents that are clear, concise and, when necessary, persuasive and strategically compelling.

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The Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (Lima) 2025 will be held from May 20- 24.