Siemens Australia has signed a historic research agreement with DST Group and QUT to advance the use of High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) technologies in Australia.

Four Australian innovators have been presented with Maritime Industry Innovation Awards at Pacific 2015.

The Northrop Grumman AQS-24B mine hunting system has completed trials that demonstrated its synthetic aperture sonar can process full resolution minefield data at speeds of up to 18 knots.

DSME sealed a partnership with BAE Systems Australia, BMT Defence Services, L-3 Communications and Saab with an MoU signing ceremony at Pacific 2015 in Sydney.

TKMS Australia (TKMSA) has announced the name ‘Endeavour’ for its Sea 1000 Future Submarine Project.

Babcock International Group has signed an agreement with Australian Maritime College Search (AMCS) to jointly deliver specialist short courses in maritime studies.

Lockheed Martin Australia will open a submarine combat system laboratory at Mawson Lakes in Adelaide, to support Lockheed Martin’s target of providing the combat system for the SEA 1000 future submarine.

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Submarine CEP 101

With all the ‘news’ around the Future Submarine program floating about online and in the media, I would like to provide a few key facts in the mix.

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Exercise Northern Shield Concludes

Drawing to a close on September 25, Exercise Northern Shield has tested the ADF’s short-notice security response arrangements.

Despite proposals to cut its defence budget by more than 6 per cent next year, the Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL) revealed to The Jakarta Post last week that it intended to purchase two Kilo class submarines from Russia to prop up its ageing submarine fleet.

Australian space scientists have raised nearly $80,000 through a crowdfunding website to complete a galaxy mapping project threatened by CSIRO budget cuts.

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US and Aus JSF program managers meet

Representatives from the Joint Strike Fighter Division, the Royal Australian Airforce (RAAF), US based F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) and JSF prime contractor Lockheed Martin have met in Canberra for the a JSF Site Activation Task Force (SATAF) planning session.

Thomas Global Systems has completed delivery of key components for the Integrated Ship Control Management and Monitoring System (ISCMMS) Remediation Project for the Royal Australian Navy’s Collins Class submarines

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Defence Week Premium 368 PDF version

The full version of Defence Week Premium no.368 of 1 Oct 2015 can be downloaded here as a PDF. A separate PDF of the latest Defence tenders can also be downloaded here.

In a surprise move, new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has appointed Senator Marise Payne as Defence Minister.

ADM's fourth Defence Estate and Base Services Summit was held in Canberra on Tuesday 22 September with a record attendance.