Boeing project director Lee Davis confirmed that the design phase had been completed, with formal testing underway and a field test for Army being planned for August this year.

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NZ boosts defence spend

The capital funding includes money for improving defence camps and bases throughout the country, including facility upgrades in Auckland, Manawatu and Canterbury.

The report touches on a number of facets connected to Defence Industry employment such as median wages, growth hotspots, desired job titles and programs to watch.

The aircraft flew between 25,000 and 35,000 feet for the duration of the mission and landed 48.2 hours later.

The worldwide migration of government, defence and commerce to digital connectivity was fuelling exponential growth in cybersecurity, highlighting a shallow talent pool.

A week earlier, Drake scooped top-prize in the Cyber & Security category of the prestigious Tel Aviv University's (TAU) Innovation Challenge.

Australia-US cooperation and collaboration in the Pacific and South East Asia will also be a key focus.

The full version of the Defence Week Premium can be downloaded here as a PDF. You can also access a separate PDF of the weekly tenders and a digital copy of the newsletter.

SA's 'valley of death' looked more like a pothole in comparison.

The LOSC capability had been scheduled to enter service in 2020.

Bids will close on June 9 to provide a manned fixed-wing surveillance service to be contracted by Australia’s Department of Defence but coordinated by the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency.

Moonraker Antennas Systems are currently in operation in several naval platforms worldwide including the Australian Canberra class LHDs.

The Defence Industry Forum signals a desire to expand the Sunshine Coast’s narrow economic base.

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The system has already been installed on Navy's two Canberra Class LHDs and aboard the three Hobart Class DDGs.

The full version of the Defence Week Premium can be downloaded here as a PDF. You can also access a separate PDF of the weekly tenders and a digital copy of the newsletter.

While the plan’s main points have been publicly debated, one or two associated nuggets have surfaced too.