• Deputy Head of the Australian Space Agency Anthony Murfett opened proceedings.
David Jones
    Deputy Head of the Australian Space Agency Anthony Murfett opened proceedings. David Jones
  • Soldiers from Alpha Gun, 107 Battery, 4th Regiment, Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery, at Shoalwater Bay.
    Soldiers from Alpha Gun, 107 Battery, 4th Regiment, Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery, at Shoalwater Bay. Defence
  • Australia’s defence sector is leading the way in improving diversity.
    Australia’s defence sector is leading the way in improving diversity. Defence
  • An Australian P8-A Poseidon tracking a ship off the north coast.
    An Australian P8-A Poseidon tracking a ship off the north coast. Defence
  • The Tiger helicopters land on HMAS Canberra’s flight deck.
    The Tiger helicopters land on HMAS Canberra’s flight deck. Defence
  • The Hercules could serve as a tactical command and control platform.
Nigel Pittaway
    The Hercules could serve as a tactical command and control platform. Nigel Pittaway
  • Titomic showed off the breakthrough UAV prototype at the Avalon Airshow.
    Titomic showed off the breakthrough UAV prototype at the Avalon Airshow. Titomic

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