• One of the RAAF’s first F-35s sits on the flight line during the welcome ceremony.
Nigel Pittaway
    One of the RAAF’s first F-35s sits on the flight line during the welcome ceremony. Nigel Pittaway
  • Defence
  • Curtiss-Wright is responsible for building the turret aiming and stabilization drive system for Rheinmetall’s Boxers.
    Curtiss-Wright is responsible for building the turret aiming and stabilization drive system for Rheinmetall’s Boxers. Defence
  • Minister for Defence Industry Steven Ciobo and Leiv Inge Steig, Executive Vice President Marketing and Business Development for Kongsberg.
    Minister for Defence Industry Steven Ciobo and Leiv Inge Steig, Executive Vice President Marketing and Business Development for Kongsberg. Kongsberg
  • Neale Prescott, Business Development Manager Lockheed Martin and Andrew Chapman, F-35 Program Lead at BAE Systems Australia, and Tim Owen.
Hunter Business Chamber
    Neale Prescott, Business Development Manager Lockheed Martin and Andrew Chapman, F-35 Program Lead at BAE Systems Australia, and Tim Owen. Hunter Business Chamber
  • NIOA General Manager of Government Business Patrick Whitty (left) receives the award from NZ Minister of Defence, Ron Mark.
    NIOA General Manager of Government Business Patrick Whitty (left) receives the award from NZ Minister of Defence, Ron Mark. NIOA
  • The KNM Helge Ingstad is now almost completely underwater.
Norwegian Coastal Administration/Armed Forces
    The KNM Helge Ingstad is now almost completely underwater. Norwegian Coastal Administration/Armed Forces

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