• Coming together: Army consider the US Ground Combat Vehicle as a candidate for equipping mechanised infantry and cavalry forces.
    Coming together: Army consider the US Ground Combat Vehicle as a candidate for equipping mechanised infantry and cavalry forces.

Australia is considering the US Army’s Ground Combat Vehicle as a candidate for equipping mechanised infantry and cavalry forces beginning in 2020, according to Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell Kent, the assistant military attaché at the Australian Embassy in Washington.

He must have been reading past issues of Australian Defence Magazine (ADM) when, under the heading Will Land 400 merge with the US GCV program? as seen in the February edition.

Tom Muir wrote: “As the Australian and US Armies pursue their modernisation plans, there appear to be capabilities with attributes common to both. Land 400 is a major component of our Army 2030 vision and there are striking similarities between the requirements of the Australian Future Combat Vehicle and the US Ground Combat Vehicle."

Is a merger on the cards?

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