• Roadside IED’s are a major threat to troops on the ground in Afghanistan.
    Roadside IED’s are a major threat to troops on the ground in Afghanistan.

Thanks to a discovery while researching synthetic aperture radar, detecting improvised explosive devices will now be easier, according to a November 16 announcement by US Navy scientists at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD).

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) provides high-resolution imagery from airborne or space-borne platforms, coupling the long-range propagation characteristics of radar signals and digital electronics.

Expected results include improved ability to conduct target detection and discrimination, supporting intelligence analysis.

"New detection techniques will lead to enhanced remote sensing capabilities with immediate application to asymmetric operations and battle space awareness in addition to intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting applications," said Houra Rais, an NSWCDD scientist.

Dahlgren scientists George Rogers and Houra Rais made the discovery while conducting research on an Office of Naval Research-sponsored project focusing on polarimetric synthetic aperture radar that uses multiple polarizations to provide detailed information at the pixel level, the smallest addressable screen element in a display device—Defpro.com and USN Public Affairs Dahlgren.

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