Alta Data Technologies’ PMC-A429 interface module offers a variety of configurations with software selectable RX/Tx channels, baud rates, bit encoding and word configurations.
It will encode or decode almost any ARINC-429 physical layer signal.
The PMC-A429 card is based on the industry’s most advanced 32-bit ARINC FPGA protocol engine that is a feature-rich application programming interface.
The AltaAPI features a multi-layer ANSI C and Windows architecture. This hardware and software package provides increased system performance and flexibility while reducing integration time.
The PMC-A429 Transmit (TX) capability includes both simple and complete frequency control options for each channel.
TX also includes Playback and Signal Generator operations, dual receive (RX) functions and includes independent simultaneous channel level buffering and multi channel level buffering.
AltaCore is guaranteed ARINC-419/429/575/573/717 compliant and all cards are manufactured to the highest IPC-Level 3 standards and certified ISO 9001:2008 processes.
Alta is available in Australia from Metromatics. Tel. (07) 3868 4255 or email: