• Techport Australia was officially opened by the Government of South Australia in mid February.
    Techport Australia was officially opened by the Government of South Australia in mid February.

The largest shiplift in the southern hemisphere, installed as a key element of a major new shipbuilding and ship repair development at Techport Australia in Adelaide, is now officially in service.

The announcement follows the formal opening of Techport Australia by the Government of South Australia.

The Syncrolift has capacity for ships of up to 9,300 tonnes, including the Royal Australian Navy's (RAN) new generation of Air Warfare Destroyers, which will be built by ASC at Techport Australia.

A number of companies banded together to help fund the shiplift based at Techport's Common User Facility.

"The new Syncrolift installation is an important part of the Techport Australia development and was delivered on time and on budget," Andrew Dudgeon, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Australia, said.

"It will add significant ongoing value to both the RAN and the economy of South Australia.

"The Techport Australia Syncrolift installation has been one of the largest Rolls-Royce shiplift programs for many years."

The 156-metre-long Syncrolift, which includes a ship transfer system from Norwegian company TTS that will move vessels between the Syncrolift and maintenance/build berths on shore, can accommodate a future increase of the Syncrolift to 210 metres, with capacity for Panamax-size (or LHD-size) ships.

Other Syncrolifts are already operational within Australia at ASC, adjacent to Techport Australia, at the RAN Naval Base in Darwin and at the Darwin Ship Repair and Engineering Company.

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