Supacat announced yesterday the operational launch of Supacat in Australia and the launch of Supacat Team Australia, comprising 15 Australian partner companies, to bid, build and deliver the JP2097 Ph 1B (REDFIN) programme for the Australian Defence Materiel Office (DMO).
Supacat Team Australia is bidding the Special Forces HMT Extenda vehicle, which shares commonality with the Nary HMT fleet.
The DMO is expected to announce its vehicle selection by the end of the year.
Supacat will be led by Australian national, Michael Halloran, who will transfer as managing director from his current position as director & general manager of Supacat’s UK operations.
“Supacat will be first and foremost an engineering company, solving problems and developing products focussed on the people that use them, whether they be soldiers, drillers, lifeboat pilots or miners. Secondly, we will be an effective and efficient prime contractor, delivering on time, to cost and to quality”, said Hallaron.
Supacat Team Australia will work in partnership to deliver the entire program efficiently, on a best value for money basis, within Australia.
Supacat Team Australia partners include: Aerostaff Australia Pty Ltd; Andrew Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd; Baker and Provan Pty Ltd; Broens Industries Pty Ltd; Cablex Pty Ltd; Eggler Enterprises Pty Ltd; Hallmark Logistics & Engineering Pty Ltd; Hofmann Engineering Pty Ltd; Marand Precision Engineering Pty Ltd; PS Management Consultants Pty Ltd; QinetiQ Pty Ltd; Tectonica Australia Pty Ltd; Unique Solution Partners Pty Ltd; VEEM Ltd.