• Project Redfin’s next Phase (1B) is for the procurement, by open tender, of variants required to provide the balance of Special Forces land mobility.
    Project Redfin’s next Phase (1B) is for the procurement, by open tender, of variants required to provide the balance of Special Forces land mobility.

Redfin’s next Phase (1B) is for the procurement, by open tender, of variants required to provide the balance of Special Forces (ie Commando) land mobility.

Our understanding is that variants comprise the following four types of vehicles designed to handle different missions:

SOV direct action: The requirement here is for an open vehicle with considerable speed and agility, and able to carry up to eight personnel.

It would need mounts for a range of weapons including the M2A2 .50 cal machine gun, the 40mm Mk19 AGL and Javelin.

It would certainly need some mine and IED protection and possibly add-on crew protection (composites).

SOV surveillance & reconnaissance: while the requirements for this capability have yet to be determined it is anticipated that this would be an agile 4x4 vehicle equipped with day/night surveillance along the lines of BAE Systems’ thermal imaging systems that enhance forward and rearward visibility.

SOV logistics: this will be a similar vehicle to the above but configured for supply and support operations.

SOV support: this requirement is for a very different vehicle, similar to an up-armoured Toyota Land Cruiser type with IED and RPG protection, and possibly including a remote weapons station (RWS).

Designed for training and for discrete urban operations this vehicle would be used mainly by the ADF’s two Tactical Assault Groups (East and West).

We believe that hot contenders for Phase 1A’s up-to-50 vehicle requirement (with a delayed RFT expected end of first quarter 2011) will include the two contenders for the UK’s LPPV competition – viz the Supacat SPV400 and the Force Protection Ocelot.

The UK MoD had invited Supacat to participate in the competitive tender for the LPPV program, which is being procured under an Urgent Operational Requirement for an initial batch of 200 vehicles to enter service in late 2011.

The invitation followed the purchase earlier this year by UK MoD of two SPV400 vehicles from Supacat as part of the ongoing risk reduction activity being undertaken with both bidders on the LPPV program.

Since this article came together, the UK MoD has announced that the Ocelot has won the LPPV competition.

The Ocelot is also in the running for Land 121 Phase 4 manufactured and supported in Australia option, securing $9 million in development funds from the Australian Commonwealth.

In view of the vehicle comms delays with Redfin Phase 1A, may we suggest that the Commando SOV requirement includes vehicle OEM responsibility for integration of whatever intra-vehicle comms the DMO wants, possibly supplied under a standing offer arrangement.

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