Pacific 2012: INVENIO Delivers ACPB Interactive Walkthrough Model to the RAN | ADM Dec 2011 / Jan 2012

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Invenio Engineering Solutions and Navy Engineering Division are helping to define the delivery of scenario-based training on-board Armidale Class Patrol Boats (ACPB) for the Royal Australian Navy, using Invenio’s REFINE concept.

REFINE – an acronym for Real time Engineering Fleet-training Interactive Naval Environment has been developed using Dassault Systemes’ software.

The originator of the REFINE concept, Invenio’s David Simper says REFINE leverages a customer’s existing 3D CAD assets to deliver intuitive interactive training content in a unique way. “By importing Navy Engineering Division’s detailed 3D CAD model directly into our game engine, we have been able to quickly and cost-effectively develop an interactive model of the ACPB.”

Simper says REFINE specifically addresses naval training requirements by immersing a sailor in a virtual representation of the ship they are about to join.

”REFINE delivers an online, fully immersive training environment that reduces the time to achieve learning outcomes compared with traditional ‘chalk and talk’ classroom training.

“REFINE provides in-context training and detailed ship familiarisation. Navigating to equipment, extracting equipment-specific engineering data, fighting a fire, launching the ship’s boat, responding to damage control or a call to action stations – these are just some of the ‘real life’ scenarios that can be replicated.

“When exposing sailors to a virtual ship environment, they become spatially aware of the layout of the ship they are about to join, while undertaking in-context, interactive training. By incorporating contextual menus we can provide direct access to equipment specific engineering data; installation, operation and maintenance procedures; scenario-based training material and logistics management data. Exposure to REFINE on-board the ship will increase a sailor’s effectiveness to perform duties successfully,” explained Simper.

This unique interactive training capability resulted in Invenio’s appointment to develop a 3D interactive model of the Royal Australian Navy’s Armidale Class Patrol Boat – as reported in the June 2011 edition of ADM. The model will be used as a baseline platform to deliver online induction training, with future plans to extend to REFINE’s full capabilities.

“The use of game engines to allow the user to be immersed in a ship model makes sense.  What makes more sense is to use the engineering model in the game engine.  This allows us to maintain the configuration of one model (engineering model) which can be re-used for other engineering activities thru-life.” Says John Colquhoun – Executive Director of Navy Platform Systems.

REFINE can be delivered locally at the desktop, in the classroom, on-board the ship or online to personnel across multiple sites. REFINE delivers a virtual training platform when the physical platform is unavailable, too costly to be used on a regular basis, or is in operational service.

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