• HMAS Tobruk is undergoing maintenance work to survey, verify, certify and replace a number of safety critical flexible hoses.
    HMAS Tobruk is undergoing maintenance work to survey, verify, certify and replace a number of safety critical flexible hoses.

Minister for defence Stephen Smith delivered a scathing attack on the ADF's amphibious capability in the wake of natural disasters in Queensland at the ADM2011 Congress recently.

“On 28 January, we were advised that with the decommissioning of HMAS Manoora, and the extended unavailability of HMAS Kanimbla, Navy was maintaining HMAS Tobruk at 48 hours notice for sea to ensure an amphibious lift capability was available,” minister for Defence Stephen Smith outlined at ADM2011.

“On 2 February, we were advised that HMAS Tobruk was to commence maintenance work in order to be fully prepared to provide any assistance in the days following Cyclone Yasi, in the event not required.

“On 4 February, we were advised that HMAS Tobruk had left its dock and was being prepared to return to 48 hours notice for sea.

“This has however not yet occurred as further maintenance issues and problems have been identified.

“This work includes efforts to survey, verify, certify and replace a number of safety critical flexible hoses necessary to ensure the safe operation of HMAS Tobruk.

“The advice about the amphibious fleet provided by the Secretary of Defence and the Chief of the Defence Force makes it clear that problems with the amphibious fleet have built up over the past decade or more," Smith said.

“It states that many of the seeds of the problems we now face were sown long ago, and insufficient resources have been allocated to address materiel and personnel shortfalls since the ships were brought into service many years ago.

“It also states that the establishment of the Seaworthiness Board in 2009 was a long overdue means of providing Chief of Navy with an independent review of maritime systems and its review of the amphibious ships provided a focus on the situation that was not previously available.

“It is essential that the problems outlined in the advice are addressed as a matter of priority ahead of the transition to the new Landing Helicopter Dock Ships.

“That is why we have asked Paul Rizzo, chair of the independent review team to develop a plan to address the problems identified by the Secretary and the Chief of the Defence Force, to reform these practices, and oversee early stage implementation of those reforms.

“Their work will be additional to the new comprehensive transition plan we have asked Defence to prepare to ensure a smooth transition to the introduction of the LHD ships in the middle of the decade,” Smith said.

Reform of Amphibious and Afloat Support Ship Repair and Management Practices Terms of References can be found at:


Causal factors contributing to the unavailability of the Navy’s two LPAs can be found at:


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