• Northrop Grumman's IBCS has now been approved by the US Defense Department for Full Rate Production. (Northrop Grumman)
    Northrop Grumman's IBCS has now been approved by the US Defense Department for Full Rate Production. (Northrop Grumman)

The United States Defense Department has approved Full Rate Production for Northrop Grumman Corporation’s Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) in a milestone for the US Army's air and missile defence modernisation. The decision scales the US Army’s ability to field the system, enabling sensor to decider to weapon integration. 

IBCS is designed to rapidly integrate all available sensors and shooters to deliver decision-quality fire control data across joint networks providing a 360-degree view, even if a sensor becomes inoperable. Northrop Grumman says this capability 'provides increased situational awareness, more effectively manages resources, and enables integration across coalition partners'.

“IBCS transforms the battlespace by fusing data from any sensor to create a single integrated air picture allowing commanders to see the battlespace and use the best weapons to defeat complex threats,” said Rebecca Torzone, vice president and general manager, combat systems and mission readiness, Northrop Grumman. “Northrop Grumman shares the US Army’s commitment to the rapid deployment of IBCS.”

The full rate production decision enables the US Army to set the fielding schedule for IBCS to operational air defence units.

Northrop Grumman made the first foreign military sale of IBCS to Poland last year, and as the system is adopted by more US allies and partners, the company expects that IBCS will enable 'high levels of coalition forces interoperability and network integration'.

In December 2021, Northrop Grumman was awarded a US$1.4 billion production contract for Low Rate Initial Production and Full Rate Production, and in late 2022, the program completed Initial Operational Test and Evaluation. Initial operational capability for IBCS is reportedly on track for a declaration in 2023.

The IBCS forms the basis for Northrop Grumman Australia’s proposed solution for the Commonwealth's Air 6500 Phase 1 Joint Air Battle Management System (JABMS). Northrop Grumman Australia is one of two shortlisted companies selected to participate in the Air 6500 Competitive Evaluation Process, alongside Lockheed Martin. 

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