In partnership with the US Department of Defense, Lockheed Martin launched a PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) interceptor from an MK-70 containerised launch platform to engage a cruise missile target in flight.
The MK-70 Payload Delivery System (PDS) is a mobile, containerised, version of the venerable shipboard MK. 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS).
The test marks the first time PAC-3 MSE was launched in this configuration, utilizing the Virtualised Aegis Weapon System, to intercept a live target.
This successful test showcases Lockheed Martin’s commitment to developing mission-focused, integrated technology to keep those who serve ahead of evolving threats,” said Tom Copeman, vice president of Strategy and Naval Programs at Lockheed Martin.
“These systems could deliver a proven, Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) capability with growing capacity to the U.S. to help defend against advanced, maneuverable threats.”
Virtualised Aegis, or "Aegis in a box," reduces the footprint of an Aegis Weapon System,from several cabinets to the size of a small box which has a significant impact on the weight and volume needed to host Aegis.