News Review: Netherlands buys 2nd F-35 test aircraft | ADM June 2011

The Dutch Parliament has approved the purchase of a second Joint Strike fighter test aircraft, just days after the nation’s Cabinet announced a one billion euro cut in the defence budget. The two JSFs the Netherlands has ordered together cost 270 million euros.

The decision paves the way for the purchase of a series of JSF aircraft, but Defence Minister Hans Hillen and Economic Affairs Minister Maxime Verhagen stressed that a final decision on a new jet fighter would be taken by the next cabinet.

The opposition, however, says the purchase of a second test plane means the Netherlands is now committed to buying the Joint Strike Fighter as a replacement for its fleet of ageing F-16s.

Minister Hillen said the Netherlands could still withdraw from the JSF project, even though this would cost about 270 million euros, the same amount the Netherlands will have to pay for the two test JSF planes and to join the JSF pilot training program.

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