News Review: HMAS Dechaineux returns to service | ADM Jul 2010

HMAS Dechaineux has returned to service at Fleet Base West after completing her first Full-Cycle Docking at ASC in Adelaide.

This included installation of the Raytheon AN/BYG-1 Replacement Combat System, weapon handling system upgrades to accommodate the Mk48 Mod7 C-BASS heavyweight torpedo and a main propulsion battery change.

Her arrival at Fleet Base West brings the number of operational RAN submarines to three, with a fourth boat, HMAS Rankin, due to return to service towards the end of the year.

At one point in late-2009 the RAN had only two submarines available for service thanks to delays in the refit process and consequent difficulties recruiting, retaining and training submarine crews.

Early in 2011 the RAN expects to have fully trained crews for all four operational boats.

“The successful return to service of Dechaineux shows efforts to improve material availability of Navy’s submarine force are paying off,” defence materiel minister Greg Combet said.

“[Her upgraded] combat system and torpedo have been developed through a highly successful joint program with the US Navy.

“The combat and weapon system upgrades, together with an augmented Special Forces deployment capability fitted to HMAS Dechaineux in the docking, make it Navy’s most capable submarine.”

“The Government has been working to improve the level of submarine availability.

“To help provide an increased focus and scrutiny of the submarine sustainment program the Government formed the Australian Submarine Program Office (ASPO) earlier this year.

“The return of HMAS Dechaineux is an important step in the improvements Navy, DMO and ASC are making to submarine availability through the ASPO.”

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