News Review: Elbit signs L75/125 contract | ADM May 2010

Israeli firm Elbit Systems Limited will provide the Battle Group And Below Command, Control And Communications System (BGC3) under Projects Land 75/Land 125 after signing a $349 million contract with the DMO.

The BGC3 system comprises a Battle Management System (BMS) for soldiers, Vehicle Mounted Commanders and Headquarters/Command Post Staff and will equip Army units, Special Operations Command and the Air Force's Combat Support Group.

"The introduction of this new capability will increase the ADF's battle space awareness, automate combat messaging and assist in the successful conduct of operations," Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, said.

"Importantly, this capability will significantly reduce the possible risk of casualties resulting from friendly fire.

"The contract will also provide electronic battle management technology to over 1500 soldiers."

Significant components of the work will be undertaken in Australia: systems integration testing will be performed in Melbourne, while vehicle integration into over 1,000 Army vehicles will occur in Brisbane.

"The BGC3 will assist Army in achieving the Defence network centric warfare milestone of a networked brigade in 2012, with state-of-the-art battle management and terrestrial communications systems," Combet added.

"It will also support the RAAF to reach longer-term milestones of a networked combat support force by 2016."

Elbit was selected by the DMO in 2008 following a competitive tender, then underwent a lengthy trials program in Australia.

Joseph Ackerman, President and CEO of Elbit Systems, commented: "Australia is a very important market for Elbit Systems, and we are extremely proud to be selected by the Department of Defence for this major program, one of the largest and most prestigious BMS programs in the world."

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