News Review: Chief of Navy outlines the RAN’s strategic vision | ADM Jul 2010

The Chief of Navy Vice Admiral Russ Crane, has unveiled the latest edition of Australian Maritime Doctrine.

The document details the philosophical and strategic concepts needed to meet the many future challenges to Australia’s maritime security, he said.

“It is an inescapable strategic reality that as Australians we live within a huge maritime realm,” VADM Crane said.

“Unfortunately, not many of us are aware of it.

“We are surrounded by three great oceans that control our climate, generate enormous wealth and provide our most important transport medium.

“Too many Australians still see the sea as a barrier rather than as our highway to the world.”

First released in 2000, this new edition provides an authoritative guide to current naval thinking, describing the importance of the sea to all Australians and setting out the RAN’s place in national security.

It focuses on the need for international cooperation in dealing with global maritime threats both in Australia and abroad.

It also places added emphasis on the requirements of a joint approach to defending Australia and its interests.

Australian Maritime Doctrine can be found at:

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