News Review: Air support services contract under scrutiny | ADM Nov 2010

Defence is to seek short-term commercial arrangements in order to maintain the continuity of support to its airlift support requirements to the Middle East.

The short-term arrangements will remain focused on the delivery of safe aviation services to Defence people following the publication in September of allegations that the existing contractor, Strategic Aviation Pty Ltd, had received inside help to win the contract from two ADF members involved in the tender process.

Defence says it will use its standard processes for obtaining short-term services, and a number of companies will be approached today to ensure a value for money outcome.

Meanwhile it is continuing to finalise its longer-term contract arrangements for the delivery of aviation services to its Middle East operations and its personnel.

On 2 September The Age newspaper published allegations that in 2005 the two ADF members passed inside information to Strategic Aviation which then won the tender for the 2005 Defence contract for Air Support Services to the Middle East Area of Operations, and later employed the pair in senior management roles.

Defence says it has assessed these allegations and referred them to the Australian Federal Police.

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