News: IDES delivers 5” Mobile proof gun mount | ADM July 2012

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Melbourne based Integrated Design and Engineering Solutions Pty Ltd (IDES) has delivered a 36-tonne, Mobile Proof Gun Mount (MPGM) for use by Joint Logistics Command’s Proof & Experimental Establishment for the testing of Navy’s 5” (127mm) munitions.

Acceptance verification testing including firing at all required elevations and ranges was undertaken and the MPGM was accepted following handover training and supply of all associated technical documentation by IDES.

The pillars for this project’s success according to Jacob Blitman, IDES General Manager were: “adherence to best practice systems engineering, fully supporting and engaged Defence personnel and partnering with other Australian owned subcontractors committed to schedule, quality and strict engineering and data management processes.

“The project was undertaken in a true integrated project team format with IDES as the prime and Defence personnel actively engaged - willing to provide technical support and remove any barriers for resolution of developmental issues.”

The development of the MPGM and integration of the 5” Naval gun was done in Australia without any reference to any existing systems. IDES utilised its full suite of advanced engineering capabilities commencing with laser scanning of specific Defence equipment and conversion of that data to 3D computer aided design (CAD) followed by structural analysis and engineering recoil assessment, development of the mount, platform, trailer and ground engagement system.

Personnel from Proof and Experimental Establishment (P&EE) and DMO’s Munitions Branch were engaged with IDES personnel - at times on a daily basis, providing gun system information and helping brain storm new ideas. The integration and proactive relationship between IDES and Defence resulted in no surprises upon the arrival of the 36-tonne system in P&EE South Australia and a loud but uneventful acceptance firing of the system.

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