• A 707-338C leaves RAAF Richmond on the way to its new home after retiring in 2007.
    A 707-338C leaves RAAF Richmond on the way to its new home after retiring in 2007.

Three ex-33SQN Boeing 707-338Cs retired by Air Force in 2007 and 2008 have departed RAAF Base Richmond with their new owners, Omega, for the US.

Each aircraft made a test flight and subsequently departed RAAF Richmond.

A20-623 was the last to go on October 25, departing a flightline packed with local personnel who came to see the Queen of the Skies lift off from Runway 18 one more time.

From December 6-10, 33SQN will be attending the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition in Malaysia with the very first international appearance of a RAAF KC-30A (pending operational availability and requirements).

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