Demonstrating the stability of this class of aircraft during air-to-air refuelling is an essential exercise to be completed not only to satisfy the certification authorities, but subsequently the operators.
The E-3F is considered to be a particularly significant type because of its aerodynamic characteristics due to the large radome mounted on the back of the aircraft.
The A330 MRTT passed this trial with flying colours, according to Airbus Military.
The A330 MRTT has now conducted a total of more than 200 wet and dry contacts during the development program and transferred nearly 100 tonnes of fuel.
The second local conversion in Brisbane by Qantas Aviation Services is going well with that element of the project on time, ADM understands.
ADM also understands that the program is on the projects of concern list, as the program as a whole is 14 months behind the contract baseline schedule, according to the 2008-09 Major Projects Report - Defence Materiel Organisation from the Auditor General which was released at the end of last year.
But the project is performing within financial parameters.
"The scheduled forecast for FOC (Final Operational Capability) has slipped by 18 months from the original plan primarily caused by delays to the development, certification and qualification of the first of type aircraft," the report said.
"Schedule recovery is not expected because of the increased scope and complexity of the conversion.
"Delays will impact the introduction into service of the new MRTT capability and delay achievement of the expected operational readiness."