• A GippsAero GA8-TC Airvan has completed an around-the-world flight to raise funds for the fight against malaria.
    A GippsAero GA8-TC Airvan has completed an around-the-world flight to raise funds for the fight against malaria.

Mahindra Aerospace-Gippsland Aero's new parent-will invest more than US$17.5 million in GippsAero with an initial funding of US$1.7 million.

The plan was announced at the return to Australia of the GippsAero GA8-TC Airvan after an around-the-world flight to raise funds for the fight against malaria.

Piloted by Australians Ken Evers and Tim Pryse, the Airvan's 28,000nm flight raised US$1 million for international malaria awareness.

At the ceremony on July 9 to mark the return of the Airvan to Bendigo, Arvind Mehra, CEO, Mahindra Aerospace, said Mahindra was committed to consolidating and expanding GippsAero's business in Australia.

He also said Mahindra's future plans with GippsAero included producing two new aircraft: a 10-seat, lengthened GA-8 with a Rolls-Royce 250 turboprop, and an 18-seater, developed from the Nomad.

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