• A former Chief of Army believes the Government should provide strategic leadership to Australia’s future strategy in Afghanistan.
    A former Chief of Army believes the Government should provide strategic leadership to Australia’s future strategy in Afghanistan.

Writing in The Australian, Peter Leahy, who was Chief of Army from 2002-2008, has warned that there is confusion over the nation’s mission in Afghanistan and what it wants to achieve in the decade long war.

He says the Australian Government has traded off the bravery, resolve and professionalism of its soldiers for too long.

“The nation building task at hand is not a job for soldiers alone, but it seems that only soldiers are available to do the job.”

He suggests that Foreign Minister Rudd should step away from Africa and provide strategic leadership on a whole of government approach to this country’s future strategy in Afghanistan and how it contributes to our overall national security.

Now a director of Canberra University’s National Security Institute Professor Leahy says a more comprehensive approach would pull together defence, security, international relations and foreign aid resources.

Former Chief of Air Force, David Evans, goes even further and says this country enters overseas military operations with international partners too readily and that little has been achieved by Australia’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In his autobiography Down to Earth, launched with former PM John Howard’s help in Canberra on Tuesday, Evans wrote that Australia had not been on the winning side in a war since World War II and that it would be foolish to suggest that an incorruptible, democratic government would be established in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Has it been worth the price we have paid and continue to pay? Is the world a better place for what we have done?

To me, the answer to both questions is NO!” he wrote.

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