• Able Seaman Communications and Information Systems Benjamin Heron looks through the Operation Manual with Officer of the Watch Lieutenant Michael St Clair onboard HMAS Choules Bridge.
    Able Seaman Communications and Information Systems Benjamin Heron looks through the Operation Manual with Officer of the Watch Lieutenant Michael St Clair onboard HMAS Choules Bridge.

HMAS Choules has returned to sea following sea assurance testing of the ship’s six propulsion and power distribution transformers which were replaced after a defect was identified in June 2012.

The ship then followed a graduated program of trials and training which concluded with a final successful readiness assessment on 12 April 2013.

Navy and the Defence Materiel Organisation have worked together to achieve this outcome. Air Force also assisted by transporting the transformers from Germany.

The ship will now participate in a number of minor amphibious exercises in North Queensland during May and June 2013 before joining other Navy ships in Exercise Talisman Sabre 13 off the Queensland coast.

The Navy’s amphibious force currently includes Choules, the Landing Ship Heavy HMAS Tobruk, Australian Defence Vessel Ocean Shield, and three Landing Craft Heavy vessels.

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