• A F111 performing a final dump and burn at it retirement celebrations at Amberley last year.
    A F111 performing a final dump and burn at it retirement celebrations at Amberley last year.

Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare announced last week that up to seven retired F-111 fighter jets will be made available to Australian aircraft museums and other historical organisations.

Following their retirement in December last year, aircraft museums and historical organisations around the country expressed strong interest in displaying the F-111.

“I’ve met with museum operators around the country and I understand how important it is that as many Australians as possible have access to this piece of Australia’s aviation history,” Mr Clare said.

“I have therefore decided that up to seven F-111s will be made available to Australian aircraft museums and other historical organisations.”

The aircraft will be loaned to museums so that Defence can continue to manage the risk of hazardous material in the aircraft like asbestos and will be subject to a number of conditions to ensure the safe preservation of the aircraft.

These include housing the aircraft in a completely enclosed facility, ensuring members of the public are prevented from climbing into engine intakes and exhaust ducts, and limiting, controlling and supervising public access to the cockpit and preventing the public from opening aircraft panels.

As the aircraft were produced in the United States, organisations selected to display the aircraft will be subject to the approval of the US Government under ITAR provisions.

Interested organisations will be asked to respond to a Request for Offer which will be released by Defence later this year.

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