
Counter IED specialists, Explosive Protective Equipment (EPE), kicked off its series of demonstration days in Brisbane this week by offering attendees the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the new products that they have on offer.

Products on offer included Soldier Systems, IEDD, Tactical, Surveillance and Traking Systems as well as Fused Data Logging and C-IED Operations.

“Today is all about us informing you of what EPE can offer to assist the modern day soldier, said EPE’s Seamus O’Brien.

“We want to ensure that we have put a range of the world leading manufacturer’s equipment on show for you all to have a look at  we are going to demonstrate how effective it can be in a operational situation.”

One of the main products on show was the Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter (DRASH) system which can ensure that there is a command and control centre on the ground within a few minutes of arrival.

The demonstration days continue this week and next in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne.

The day in Canberra will feature a live Fire demonstration of the new Titanium Lightweight and disposable and Binary Explosive Disruption capabilities.

For those interested in the Sydney demonstration it take place this Thursday at the Sydney International Shooting Centre.

The live demonstration will take place in Canberra on October 11 at the McIntosh Range with the Melbourne event ending the display on October 14.

If you wish to attend any of the remaining demonstration days contact Narelle at or on 0402 486 393.

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