• The 10th and final F/A-18 Hornet has undergone the Centre Barrel Replacement phase of the Hornet Upgrade Program.
    The 10th and final F/A-18 Hornet has undergone the Centre Barrel Replacement phase of the Hornet Upgrade Program.

A major phase of the F/A-18 Classic Hornet Upgrade Program, the Centre Barrel Replacement, has now been completed with the tenth and final F/A-18 Hornet to be modified handed over to the Commonwealth at the BAE Systems facility in Williamtown, NSW.

Under contract to the DMO, BAE Systems participated as the primary subcontractor to L-3 MAS (Canada).

This team was a finalist in the ADM DMO/Industry team of the Year Award for Excellence 2009 presented earlier this year.

The CBR Program, an integral part of the Structural Refurbishment Program Phase 2 (SRP2) for the F/A-18 Hornet fighter, involved the complete replacement of the aircraft's centre fuselage (Centre Barrel section) near the wing root.

L-3 MAS selected BAE Systems Australia as the teaming partner in Australia to conduct the in-country scope of work.

The CBR Program, which commenced in 2006, is a complex engineering and maintenance undertaking which has substantially extended the service life of the ten upgraded aircraft.

BAE Systems Australia provided the structural Tear Down and Rebuild elements of the CBR Program from its facility in Williamtown.

Tear Down involved the dismantling of the aircraft and preparation for airlift via Antonov AN-124 aircraft to the L-3 MAS facility in Mirabel, Canada.

Rebuild comprised re-assembly of the aircraft, flight testing and delivery to the RAAF, all carried out to the most stringent military standards.

At Williamtown, approximately 180 BAE Systems Australia personnel and nine L-3 MAS personnel provide a range of technical and engineering support to the RAAF F/A-18 Hornet maintenance and modification program as well as the CBR program activities.

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