Editorial: Moving on... | ADM November 2011

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Gregor Ferguson | Sydney

This is my last editorial for Australian Defence Magazine. Shortly after this edition is published the incumbent Editor, Katherine Ziesing, will return to her post and I shall be moving on to a new challenge.

From the start of December I’ll be taking up a new role with the Aerospace, Maritime & Defence Foundation of Australia, the not-for-profit organisation behind the Australian International Air Show and the Pacific 2012 maritime exposition. 

This move takes me back to (or at least close to) my original vocation: I set out to become an industrial designer and worked in the automotive industry before, almost accidentally, becoming a technical journalist specialising in defence and aviation. It was a happy accident which launched me into a 30-year career, helped and uplifted by many, many people I’ve met and worked with along the way. It’s only right that I acknowledge some of them now.

First of all, I’d like to pay tribute to Judy Hinz who is the founder of ADM and has been its guiding force for nearly 20 years. Through her own example she has created a team that embodies the trust and loyalty which are the very foundations of success. It’s been a pleasure to work for and with her and the rest of the ADM team. I know that Katherine will enjoy the same support that I did from her team mates in Brisbane as well as from Tracy Yaffa and the production team at Yaffa Publishing.

Since I was appointed Editor in 1998 the backbone of the editorial team has remained remarkably stable: Tom Muir, Julian Kerr and Daniel Cotterill, to whom I offer my heartfelt thanks for their support and professionalism. My heartfelt thanks go also to the two men who have kept the business heart of ADM beating: advertising sales managers Mike Kerr and David Jones whose professionalism and integrity are central to our brand and our business.

ADM deals with the serious business of our country’s defence. As I remarked once before, the defence community in Australia – the Department, the ADF, the DMO and Industry – is peopled by highly intelligent, hard-working men and women of great integrity whose ethic is overwhelmingly one of service. As Editor of ADM I have enjoyed privileged access and insight into that community and I salute you all.

Defence and aviation, more than most sectors, attract people seeking a vocation. Such people are rewarding to work with and I’m delighted I shall be able to continue enjoying their company in the future.

While I shall be contributing some articles to the December-January edition of ADM this will be my last Editorial so I’d like to take this opportunity, for the last time, to thank you, our readers and advertisers, for your support and to wish you, and Australian Defence Magazine, all the very best for the future.

Subject: ADM Editorials

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