• The F-111s were farewelled on Friday 3 December at RAAF Amberley with the ‘Pigs Tales’ memorial service and final flyover.
    The F-111s were farewelled on Friday 3 December at RAAF Amberley with the ‘Pigs Tales’ memorial service and final flyover.

As Australia’s F-111 fleet retires, Minister for Defence Science and Personnel Warren Snowdon has praised the significant contribution made by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) over the life of the platform.

He said DSTO had supported every aspect of the operation and maintenance of the RAAF F-111 fleet, particularly since 1998 when this country became the sole operator of the aircraft.

The F-111s were farewelled on Friday 3 December at RAAF Amberley with the ‘Pigs Tales’ memorial service and final flyover.

The repair and modification solutions developed by DSTO ensured the safe and economical operation of the F-111 well beyond the manufacturer’s use-by date, thereby saving many millions of dollars by increasing the aircraft’s availability and providing the ADF with findings that would go toward supporting present and future aircraft.

DSTO has provided advice covering the F-111’s airframes and engines, weapons and stores, electronic warfare and signature management, and platform information systems.

DSTO was also key in developing solutions to problems with manufacturing defects in the Wing Carry Through Box, Upper Wing Pivot Fitting cracking, and Outer Lower Wing Skin cracking.

Solutions included composite bonded repairs and the re-shaping of components to strengthen points of weakness.

Significant fatigue testing of replacement F-111 wings found that all wings in the fleet had sufficient durability to safely reach the RAAF’s planned withdrawal date.

“In providing support for the F-111 fleet, DSTO has developed many capabilities which have put the organisation at the forefront of the international aircraft structural integrity community,” Snowdon said.

“These capabilities will be crucial in supporting new platforms such as the Joint Strike Fighter and Wedgetail aircraft.”


We suspect that DSTO may have had little involvement with the aircraft’s reputed ability to carry ‘special stores’ — the Defence euphemism for nuclear weapons which is understood to have been one factor in the original decision to purchase the F-111.

And how does the Super Hornet, now declared combat ready, compare with 1960s-designed F-111?

The older plane could reach Mach 2.5 compared with the Super Hornet’s Mach 1.6 and had a ferry range of 5,500km compared with 2,700km.

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