From left to right, back row, Mr Phil Rector, Ken Crowe, Jim Bandcroft and Steve Zanias. From left to right, front row, Chief Defence Scientist Dr Alex Zelinsky and Northrop Grumman Australia Chief Executive Mr Ian Irving.
Specific areas of the agreement were not disclosed although DSTO will have access to Northrop Grumman’s specialised defence knowledge in unmanned systems, cyber, C4ISR and logistics.
“DSTO and Northrop Grumman have strong levels of expertise in cutting edge technology and working together will increase our ability to find the right technological solutions for the future of the Australian Defence Force,” Chief Defence Scientist Dr Alex Zelinsky said.
“We’ve seen significant developments in these areas in recent years and they will continue to transform defence forces around the world," Northrop Grumman Australia chief executive Ian Irving said.
"Northrop Grumman looks forward to working with DSTO to keep Australia at the forefront of these cutting-edge areas.”