• The future of Australia’s air defence the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
    The future of Australia’s air defence the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The DMO’s Dr Stephen Gumley has been named cochair of the Joint Strike Fighter Executive Steering Board during his visit to the United States last month.

He will partner David M. Van Buren, principal deputy assistant secretary for acquisition with the US Air Force.

Australia which hopes eventually to buy 100 F-35 JSF to replace its F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet fleet has committed to 14 JSF at an estimated cost of some $3 billion.

The JSF is the most expensive weapons program in history with a raft of nations around the globe expected to spend some $400 billion buying the aircraft and another $900 billion keeping them flying for the next 25 years.

Dr Gumley said his appointment would take effect in November.

“I will be in the most senior customer position—along with Mr Van Buren—during the most critical stage in the project in terms of cost and schedule control,” he said.

The prices set for the 2013 delivery of planes, to be negotiated this year, will provide a guide to the likely cost of the planes Australia will order in 2012 for completion by 2014.

(The second Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II production aircraft designated AF-6, ferried to Edwards AFB from Naval Air Station Fort Worth following the Air Force formally accepting the fighter into its inventory May 12. The first production jet, AF-7, was delivered to Edwards AFB May 6.)

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