• Minister for Defence Senator John Faulkner has announced he will step down at the upcoming federal dlection.
    Minister for Defence Senator John Faulkner has announced he will step down at the upcoming federal dlection.

Senator Faulkner's departure from Defence means that Australia will have had seven Defence ministers in 14 years.

Considering the length of the acquisitions in Defence, it could be argued that it needs ministerial stability more than any other portfolio.

Defence materiel and science minister Greg Combet is viewed as the most qualified candidate to take on the senior role if Labor wins the next election.

John Kerin (AFR) says Combet has performed well as the junior minister in the Defence portfolio where he is responsible for weapons procurement, and Defence sources believe he has the skills to make an accomplished Defence minister.

But given the recent portfolio movements in the federal ALP, picking a successor after the yet to be called election is a tough call.

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