Systems Detica has launched its Advanced
Threat Detection (ATD) service in Australia in response to growing concerns
around targeted cyber attacks with the Australian Government citing cyber
security as one of its highest national security priorities.
Detica’s Advanced Threat Detection (ATD) service detects the most
sophisticated targeted cyber attacks against businesses.
Enterprises that have rich and varied Intellectual Property (IP), data,
corporate strategy and sensitive information are being targeted systematically
by state-sponsored, “hactivist”, organised criminal and other attack groups
The recent CERT Australia Cyber Crime and
Security Survey by the Attorney-General, indicated that in terms of cyber
security incidents, more than half the respondents considered attacks on their
organisation to be targeted. Motives included illicit financial gain
(15%), hactivism (9%), using the system for further attacks (9%), being from a
foreign government (5%), and being a competitor (4%).
This indicates a shift from previous conceptions that most attacks are
non-targeted or indiscriminate.
BAE System Detica’s Advanced Threat Detection service adopts unique behavioural
monitoring and analytics technology which is designed to detect sophisticated
threats. It analyses criminal and malicious activity and patterns across all
networks of a business. The service provides customers with early warning of
attacks on their infrastructure, rich business and threat context around those
attacks, and advice on how to respond to them and avoid the impact.