• Vacuum sealing of Field Guns
    Vacuum sealing of Field Guns

Australian Inhibitor a niche market research and development packaging specialist has just introduced onto the Australian market a new VCI (Vapour Corrosion Inhibitor) laminate.

It combines Tough BOPP laminated to foil with the inclusion of inside laminated VCI actives in co-extruded low density film to assist in the prevention of corrosion of metal products either in storage or transshipped overseas.

This specialist material can be made into bags of any size eg 100mm x 100mm up to bags to house aeroplane parts, gun turrets, machinery of any size for local or for shipment overseas.

Australian Inhibitor is a major supplier to local manufacturing machinery exporters as well as Auto, Military and Mining Companies.

Australian inhibitor, established over 50 years ago, is a world leader in patented designed VCI rigid plastic products supplying a diverse range of VCI related products.  


Contact:   Les Amy 03 9768 2322

Email:      enquiries@australianinhibitor.com.au

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