• Credit: AML3D
    Credit: AML3D

AML3D is scaling up its US operations with a shipment of its ARCEMY system to the US Navy due this month.

The US Department of Defence placed an order via procurement agent BlueForge Alliance for the large scale ARCEMY ‘X- Edition 6700’ Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing metal 3D printing system. AML3D says the system will substantiate 'advanced, on-demand' manufacturing technology for supply of parts to the US Navy.

The sale of AML3D’s largest wire additive manufacturing ARCEMY system is valued at approximately AUD$1 million (US$697,800).

The system will be located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, the largest science and energy laboratory in the US Department of Energy system and a key partner to the US Navy and other global US clients. 

“AML3D has a very clear focus on our OEM supplier strategy; scaling up our presence in the US Defence sector by supporting the US Navy submarine industrial base, in the first instance," AML3D Chief Executive Officer, Ryan Millar said. "We are making the final preparations to ship a large scale ARCEMY X-Edition 6700 system to Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, a key partner to the US Navy and other global Tier 1 clients."

In parallel to the commissioning of the ARCEMY X system, BlueForge Alliance also signed an alloy characterisation and testing contract to demonstrate ARCEMY X 3D metal printed components meet the standards required for the US Navy submarine program.

The alloy characterisation phase of this contract has been completed and the alloys for the US Navy are now ready to move into the testing phase.


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