• The US Senate Armed Services Committee has been told that the Navy variant of the JSF will not reach the fleet until 2016.
    The US Senate Armed Services Committee has been told that the Navy variant of the JSF will not reach the fleet until 2016.

US Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead says that the US Navy's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter carrier variant will slide 13 months to the right - mirroring the length of the program-wide delay in the development of the aircraft - but an analyst from the Government Accountability Office says even that timeline appears very risky.

Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter told the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 11 that the Air Force and Navy variants of the JSF will not reach the fleet until 2016, a two-year delay for the Navy and a three-year difference from the timeline the air service was planning on just months ago.

The Marine Corps variant remains slated to reach the fleet in 2012.

The same day, Roughead told reporters following a March 11 House appropriations defence subcommittee hearing that the carrier variant's delay mirrors that of the recently announced 13-month delay in the development timeline of the JSF program.

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