RMIT University - Defence & Aerospace

RMIT University - Defence & Aerospace

124 La Trobe Street
Melbourne Vic 3000

Mailing Address
GPO Box 2476
Melbourne Vic 3001

+61 (0)3 9925 3586 Mobile: +61 (0) 447 375 937



49 781 030 034

Company Description
Sir Lawrence Wackett Defence & Aerospace Centre is RMIT’s connection between the university’s experts and the wider defence sector. The Wackett Centre builds and supports cross discipline and sector teams to deliver outcomes across TRLs 1-7 for its defence partners. RMIT’s capabilities are leveraged to deliver end to end solutions; from concept, prototyping and testing to policy and implementation. The Wackett Centre works with Defence, DSTG and defence industries across projects, skilling, and training to help build Australia’s sovereign capability.

Year Established: 1887
Number of Employees: 10,700
Areas of R&D: RMIT delivers impact in Sea, Air, Land, Space & Cyber.
Key Strengths: Multidisciplinary Material Science & Sustainment; Information, Sensors & High Speed Flight Systems; Trusted Autonomy & Cyber/Physical Systems

This company offers the following services

  • Advanced Manufacturing

    Capability Contacts
    Professor Milan Brandt: Director Advanced Manufacturing Precinct
    Phone: (03) 9925 4197
    Mobile: 0410 569 416

    Capability Description
    • Additive and subtractive process manufacturing in a range of materials
    • Metal and polymer additive manufacturing systems
    • Industrial automation
    • High-speed multi-axis machining centres
    • Reverse engineering
    • Digital Manufacturing
    • 3D printing
    • Coating
    • Composites
    • Structural Integrity
    • Sustainment
    • Industry 4.0
    • Biomaterials
    • Designing the products of tomorrow

  • Education and Research

    Capability Contacts
    Professor Pier Marzocca: Director, Sir Lawrence Wackett Defence & Aerospace Centre
    Phone: (03) 9925 3586
    Mobile: 0447 375 937

    Capability Description
    • Advanced Sensors
    • C3
    • Detection & Tracking
    • Energy Storage
    • Integrated Intelligence
    • Propulsion Systems
    • Quantum-assured PNT
    • AI, ML & HMI
    • Autonomous Systems
    • Digital Twins
    • Flight Testing
    • Modelling & Simulation
    • Rapid Prototyping
    • Virtual Prototyping
    • Wind Tunnel
    • Quantum
    • Photonics
    • Industry 4.0
    • Cyber
    • Big Data
    • Global Relations & Security
    • Ethics
    • Supply Chain & Logistics
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    • Additive Manufacturing
    • 3D printing
    • Advanced Materials
    • Coating
    • Composites
    • Structural Integrity
    • Sustainment

  • Technical and Trade Skills

    Capability Contacts
    Prashil Singh: Director Partnerships, RMIT College of Vocational Education
    Phone: (03) 9925 0534
    Mobile: 0408 133 005

    Capability Description
    Built Environment & Sustainability
    • Building Design
    • Plumbing & Carpentry
    • Electrical, Refrigeration & Instrumentation
    • Building
    Future Technologies
    • ICT & Cyber
    • Electrical, Engineering & Telecoms
    • Mechanical, Aerospace & Civil
    • Industry 4.0
    Business & Enterprise
    • Legal Services
    • Marketing, Communication & Public Relations
    • Accounting & Finance
    • Business & Commerce
    • Global Business
    • Project Management
    • Leadership
    • Training & Assessment
    •  IST Course (licensed)
    • Logistics
    Creative Industries
    • Fashion & Textiles
    • Graphic, Furniture & Product Design
    • Interior Design & VM
    • Screen, Media &  Digital Media
    • Game Design

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