ADM Patrick Durrant
A/CIO Mohan Aiyaswami. Credit: ADM Patrick Durrant
The Future CIS Capability panel: (L-R) Assistant Secretary ICT Architecture Peter Corcoran, Head Force Design AVM Mel Hupfield, director Telstra Defence Engagement Kathryn Jones, and HICTO AVM Andrew Dowse. Credit: ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
Credit: ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
ADM Patrick Durrant
Telstra's director Defence Engagement Kathryn Jones. Credit: Telstra
Telstra's stand at MilCIS 2017. Credit: ADM Patrick Durrant
In November each year, the Defence Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG) partners with UNSW Canberra and the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) to present MilCIS. Credit: ADM Patrick Durrant
L3 Micreo at MilCIS 2017. Credit: ADM Patrick Durrant
The modular link – size, weight and power is also enhanced thanks to the negated need for separate receivers, down converters or digitisers, and the reduction of cabling. Credit: Garry Schlatter
ViaSAT at MilCIS 2017. Credit: ADM Patrick Durrant
A Hawkei PMV(L) is on display outside the National Convention Centre in Canberra this week for MilCIS 2017. Credit: ADM Patrick Durrant
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