Defence Health has taken out Major Private Health Insurer of the Year - Not for Profit or Restricted in this year’s Roy Morgan Annual Customer Satisfaction Awards in the private health insurance categories.
Claiming the Private Health Insurer of the Year award was St.LukesHealth, from Tasmania.
Both Defence Health and St.LukesHealth are not-for-profit and member-owned insurers, and have long and valued histories with their communities of interest.
“Congratulations to both St.LukesHealth and Defence Health for such a great achievement,” Members Health CEO Matthew Koce said. “We are immensely proud to have both Defence and St.Lukes in our Alliance of funds, which prove time and again that they are industry leaders in customer service.”
“Defence Health is one of Australia’s highly valued industry based funds, providing members of the country’s armed forces – as well as their families – with health cover since 1953. They led the field of not-for-profit or restricted funds almost the entire year, so this is a convincing and consistent win.”
“As a member-owned health fund, I am proud to acknowledge everyone who contributed to this best-of-the-best achievement in customer satisfaction," Defence Health CEO Major General Gerard Fogarty (Ret’d), said. “To not only be awarded the category winner overall, but to win 11 of the 12 months over which the surveys were conducted, is testament to the dedication of our people to delivering excellence in member services on a consistent basis.”
Roy Morgan’s awards are based survey responses from 50,000 Australian consumers interviewed in person and in their own homes. Respondents name and rate the companies they deal with in various categories across 32 industries.