• The Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) Sustainment Transition program is up against the Patrol Boat Enterprise.
    The Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) Sustainment Transition program is up against the Patrol Boat Enterprise. Defence

In the Major Sustainment Activity - Over $20 million per year category we see the Jindalee Operational Radar Network (JORN) Sustainment Transition program up against the Patrol Boat Enterprise. From world leading over the horizon radar technology to keeping a troubled ship class operating in defence of the nation, these two programs are excellent demonstrations of what happens when Defence and Industry truly partner to achieve an outcome.  

The multi-billion dollar JORN transition program sees both incumbent BAE Systems Australia and Lockheed Martin Australia working with the program office to make sure that the massive program maintains its capacity while upgrading almost every part of the capability, from facilities to the algorithms behind the technology.

“The JORN upgrade and sustainment program has seen a once-in-a-lifetime transition point for one of Australia’s most important sensor technologies,” the judges’ citation explained. “With multiple remote sites, the move from analogue to digital and massive workforce changes saw the Commonwealth and BAE Systems Australia work seamlessly with Lockheed Martin to hand over operation of this important national capability.”

The Armidale class patrol boats have a history of issues, so taking on the sustainment of the class was always going to be a big ask. Thales has taken on that task in Darwin with great success, with every performance metric showing substantive gains.

“Sustainment of the Armidale fleet required a complete reset of both people and contracting given its troubled past,” according to the judges. “With new industry partners, the SPO and refreshed industry team led by Thales have been able to deliver increased readiness, reliability and performance. The numbers behind the performance improvements on all fronts are spectacular and testament to what Defence and Industry can do when working together to achieve a common goal.”

ADM and the Department of Defence are looking forward to recognising both teams at the D+I gala dinner on July 31 and attending the D+I conference on August 1.

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