Aurecon is a design, engineering and advisory company. Our strength lies in being able to bring together multidisciplinary capabilities to provide Defence with integrated solutions across individual projects, entire programmes, or asset lif...
Switchmode Power Supplies provides Australian industry content with high-end electronic component level repair, overhaul and NATA(ISO17025) calibration services for power equipment of any type up to 100KW. Switchmode specialises in repair w...
IKAD Engineering is company with a demonstrated history of reliable high-quality service to the Australian Defence Industry. IKAD has extensive capability and experience in heavy mechanical engineering including gearboxes and propulsion sys...
Designed to Outperform, Built to OutlastSentinel Boats are trusted by military, police, government and commercial operators and proven to perform in the most demanding environments on the planet. As an international leader in advanced sea ...
Tropical Reef Shipyard (TRS) has a slipway capable of lifting vessels up to 3000 tonnes and 105 meters long. Situated in Cairns, Australia, TRS boasts serviced deep-water fitout berths, making it the highest-capacity shipyard in Northern Au...