
JFD has broken several records during a series of trials of submarine rescue systems in the Indian Ocean.

RADM (Ret’d) Peter Briggs has released a report through ASPI calling for the government to give serious consideration to acquiring nuclear-powered submarines (SSNs).

Following the launch of the second Air Warfare Destroyer Brisbane, ASC Shipbuilding has announced that it will be reducing the size of its workforce in SA to meet reduced operational demand.

Safran is expanding its partnerships with two Australian companies - Advanced Navigation and Thomas Global Systems - to further the development submarine technology in Australia.

BAE Systems has submitted its bid to the Government to provide ongoing sustainment and support for the Canberra class Landing Helicopter Dock ships (LHD), LHD Landing Craft (LLC) and associated shore support facilities.

Negotiations have resumed between Defence and Naval Group regarding the impasse over a strategic partnering agreement (SPA) for Sea 1000.

A new corrosion-resistant coating that halved the build-up of algae and barnacles on ship hydraulic components is now being trialled on HMAS Canberra.

The RAN and EPE have conducted a test at HMAS Coonawarra to showcase the performance and functionality of a Maritime Portable Raman Improvised Explosive Detector (PRIED) prototype.

Japan has launched the first Soryu-class diesel-electric submarine equipped with lithium-ion batteries in a first for the program.

Defence has released a Request For Tender (RFT) to industry for the future sustainment of the Navy’s two Canberra-class LHDs and 12 LHD Landing Craft (LLC).

An interim contract has been struck between the Commonwealth and BAE Systems Australia for the Hunter class frigate program.


Keeping the Armidales afloat

A new contract and a fresh approach to the in-service support in the north of the RAN’s Armidale class patrol boat fleet appear to 
be paying dividends.

Good planning right now will save time, effort and money down the track, ensuring that the mistakes of the past do not re-emerge in the future.

H.I Fraser and Issartel have signed an agreement to coordinate possible involvement in the Future Submarine program.

ASC has successfully passed explosive tests for an advanced new welding technique for submarine hull steel.

A new strategic alliance has been signed between Defence Science and Technology (DST) and L3 Technologies.